The Cubs are now officially eliminated from both the NL Central and NL Wild Card. So, I'm saying there's no chance in 2009. Maybe next year.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
updated at 11:28 AM Posted by Mister Pickles 0 comments
Friday, September 25, 2009
The Cubs are almost finished with any chance of a playoff spot. The Cardinals magic number (read Cubs Elimination Number) is 1. The only chance would be the Cubs winning out and Cardinals losing out. Could it happen? Yes. Odds 0.0002% according to Baseball Prospectus. So, that's 1 in 500,000 chance. Better than the lottery I guess, but not by much.
Wild Card is a minuscule bit brighter. Cubs have a 0.09677% chance, or about 1 in 1000. Their elimination # is 4 (magic number 17). The Rockies and Cards play this weekend, which makes one of these scenarios almost surely impossible.
So, mathematically the Cubs have a chance. But being a betting man, which I am, I wouldn't even bet on it if I got the odds placed above.
Lots is going to happen this off season, I feel. Milton will never return to Wrigley (at least in a Cubs uniform). Perhaps Hendry makes some serious moves with our older players and we get some young talent in here. I'm a little burned out on the Cubs now. I need to reflect a bit over the next month or so.
updated at 9:39 AM Posted by Mister Pickles 0 comments
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Alright, the Cubs are not mathematically eliminated so there's still a chance. I'm agreeing with the people in the chat box that the best chance is as follows:
Cubs win today against the Brewers. They then sweep the Cardinals over the weekend which puts the Cubs at 5 games back with 14 games to play. The Cubs will have to play solid (like win out) the remaining games with the Cardinals playing so-so in order to catch them and win the division. It can happen. Stranger things have happened.
The Wild Card is tightening as well, but I'm not going to draw up a scenario for that. Too many things have to go right for the Cubs to land that spot.
Hang in there Cubs Fans!
updated at 12:19 PM Posted by Mister Pickles 0 comments
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Someone wants an update. Well, there it is. That's a decent number entering September. Not good half way though.
The elmination number is 10, which may mean the Cubs won't be mathematically eliminated for 5 or so days at worst. At best, Cubs win out and Cards lose out and we're in the playoffs! Very unlikely, but there's a chance.
As for the Wild Card, the number 26. Lower BUT there's 4 teams competing with better records than the Cubs. Only chance for the Cubs is the STL fail Cubs Win Out, I'm afraid. It'd be crazy to see Colorado, San Fran, Florida and Atlanta not win some games and edge the Cubs out. But, there's still a chance...
updated at 7:34 PM Posted by Mister Pickles 0 comments
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Cubs are not eliminated yet. There is a sliver of hope somewhere. I'm just not able to find it.
updated at 10:56 AM Posted by Mister Pickles 1 comments
Friday, August 28, 2009
Alright, I'll update the number. I'm close to checking out, but hey, the Cubs are not mathematically eliminated yet. They're still a 5 more weeks of baseball to play. Anything can happen, right?
Slim chance is the name of the game. Not as slim as winning tonight's $350M Mega Millions, but close. We'd need to see the Cards have a serious skid and the Cubs be close to perfect. I'd draw up some scenarios, but not doing so makes it seem more possible.
I don't think the Cubs have a shot in the Wild Card. Too many teams (4) means one of them will easily be hot enough to stay above the Cubs. So, the focus is on the Central.
Go Cubs! Win out! Either way, dump Bradley. He's such a distraction with his whining and all.
updated at 4:24 PM Posted by Mister Pickles 3 comments
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Cubs finally pull one out in SD to avoid the sweep. Unfortunately, St. Louis has kept pace.
updated at 2:36 PM Posted by Unknown 0 comments
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Cubs are beating the Pirates, as they should be. Two down, one more to go. The Cardinals are not dropping any games, so the Cubs need to just keep winning. This is going to be a long race.
updated at 7:45 AM Posted by Mister Pickles 0 comments
Friday, August 14, 2009
Monday, August 10, 2009
Cubs are skidding a little bit. One more game in Denver then back to Wrigley for the Phillies. This could be a tough week.
updated at 1:25 PM Posted by Mister Pickles 1 comments
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Cardinals drop to the Mets in an early game! Cubs on again tonight against the Reds. GO CUBS!
updated at 2:55 PM Posted by Mister Pickles 0 comments
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Cubs win another out in Ohio! That new pitcher, Gruzilani or something,rocked! A win well deserved.
updated at 9:23 PM Posted by Mister Pickles 0 comments
Monday, August 3, 2009
Cubs take game one against the Reds on the road. A good start.
As for the last series... Gregg is a problem. He blows two saves, ends up winning on one but losing on the other. We need this guy to straighten up, if possible. If not, perhaps move Marmol into that role. Just a thought.
updated at 9:13 PM Posted by Mister Pickles 1 comments
Sunday, August 2, 2009
The Cardinals lose to the Astros. Cubs are playing now. Go Cubs!
updated at 5:15 PM Posted by Mister Pickles 0 comments
Cubs pull off the win late. Hopefully they'll grab the rubber match game today.
updated at 3:29 PM Posted by Mister Pickles 0 comments
Friday, July 31, 2009
Dodgers finally win a game against the Cardinals. Cubs are alone in first place once again. Off to Florida.
updated at 8:49 AM Posted by Mister Pickles 0 comments
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Cubs take another from the Astros, 12-3. Cubs offense has woken up and they now hope a plane to Miami for the Marlins this weekend.
updated at 4:23 PM Posted by Mister Pickles 0 comments
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Solid win today. Well's with 8 innings, 6 hits and 0 earned runs, excellent! Everyone, except Fuku, had a decent offensive day.Cubs are back to 1st after dropping last night. Hopefully the Dodgers can learn to win again in St. Louis.
Update: Cards win off the Dodgers for a third time (what's up with that?), so Cubs are 1/2 game back again.
updated at 4:05 PM Posted by Mister Pickles 0 comments
Monday, July 27, 2009
Alright, let's lighten this up and begin to restore the faith. The Cubs are in first place in a hotly contested division with about 9 weeks to go. A lot say the NL Central is the weakest division in baseball, even 89 Cubs, but I fell that there's more competition in this division than others.
After talking to PlayoffBound in chat, I'm convinced the worst division in the NL and MLB is the NL East. All that's good and happening is the Phillies. Can one team's success against the rest of the terrible division (all 6.5+ games back) really mean that division is good? Nope. There is no competition. That's the worst division.
As for the 'Cubbie' injuries of recent. They are no worse than what we used to deal with. Not even close. Remember when we started the season without our two aces? Wood out for weeks and Prior gone for ... well... he was always injured in spring (couldn't handle the weather). Blame the curse or the Towel Toss. It was worse than today. I could go on to others, like sneezes, but don't feel like it.
This year, yes, some injuries. The Cubs played .500 ball, which is key. That keeps you in it. This team may not be the best we've seen (no 97 wins this year), but they are giving the Cubs a shot. That's all we need. Get to the playoffs, anything can happen. Go in as the best team in baseball and get swept. Come in as the least deserving, win it all.
Have Cubs fans, restore the faith! October baseball can be sweet!
Time to send in some photos of you and fam in your Cubs gear, at Wrigley or whatever. Send to with a little back story. We post the best during the final run.
updated at 11:20 PM Posted by Mister Pickles 0 comments
The Cubs are in first place.
I'll repeat it in case you are rubbing your eyes in disbelief:
The Cubs are in first place.
Yes, this is difficult to believe. I understand. Last you really paid attention the Cubs were in 3rd or maybe 4th place. I understand. Last you read the paper Ramirez was on the DL indefinitely, Dempster had a "Cubbie" injury and Soriano couldn't hit above .240. I understand. Last you read this blog, you saw me say the Cubs Suck and weren't going to make the playoffs. I understand.
But folks, the standings don't lie. Keep in mind that the Cubs are playing in the weakest division on the NL, if not all of MLB. The Cubs truly do have a great chance of winning the division despite the Cardinals recent trade for Holliday in addition to having the best player in baseball, Pujos possibly having another career year.
All that needs to happen for something special to happen is for the Cubs to make the playoffs. Then as we've all been told repeatedly, anything can happen. Just ask the 2006 Cardinals, 2005 White Sox, etc. etc.... BUT, does this mean the Cubs can win one playoff game? I'm still not convinced, and I think judging by the lack of total craziness within Cubdom this year compared to last year, I'm not the only one.
Carol Slezak wrote a great column in Sunday's Sun Times that pretty much personifies what I believe most Cub fans, including this one, are thinking right now. That these Cubs just aren't that good and there are still have considerable issues: our best pitcher, Lilly on the DL for another mysterious injury that could last who-knows-how-long; Bradley, Soriano and the entire Cubs team showing a severe 1st half funk (although there have been signs of life since the All Star break, albeit against inferior competition); Mármol's inability to consistently throw a strike and so on.
Cubs fans have been down this road the past two seasons and as such, we continue to watch with a skeptical eye. We wait until October now to really become emotionally invested. As my good friend, a White Sox friend said in an email today: "Nice run by the Cubbies. As usual the May suicide party by Chicago fans proves to be the October suicide party..."
In the mean time, if you're looking for baseball entertainment that doesn't involve becoming too emotionally involved with the Cubs, I encourage you to check out Steve Stone making an Ass of himself again. Here's a great recap of what I'm referring to.
updated at 2:16 PM Posted by Unknown 1 comments
Sunday, July 26, 2009
updated at 4:18 PM Posted by Mister Pickles 0 comments
Ok. So the Cubs are 1/2 game out of first! Yes, re-read that last sentence.
updated at 8:34 AM Posted by Mister Pickles 0 comments
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Cardinals lose last night! Cubs are one game back!
Off day today for the Cubs but the Cards play. It's against the Nats so I think we will go back to 1.5. Who knows.
updated at 9:34 AM Posted by Mister Pickles 0 comments
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Cubs avoid the sweep in Philly with a 10-5 victory. Didn't catch the game, but watched a little gameday. I was nervous in the 8th.
Anyways, day off tomorrow for the 2nd place and 1.5 games back Cubs. The Cards could lose tonight and move us to 1. That'd be sweet! Cubs are then at home for a while starting with the Reds.
updated at 3:44 PM Posted by Mister Pickles 0 comments
Monday, July 20, 2009
Hey! Hey! Cubs pull off a 4 game sweep and are nearing the longest winning streak of the year. One more win today and the calorie restricted fan gets to eat!
Off to Philly. Let's see if these Cubs have turned around and can beat a real team.
updated at 8:52 AM Posted by Mister Pickles 0 comments
Saturday, July 18, 2009
The Cubs, once again, beat a team they should beat easily, the Nationals. Good for them! 2 more games against them this weekend, so hopefully I can add 2 more "Good for them!" posts.
(yes, I'm doing my part to save the environment by recycling my posts)
updated at 9:42 AM Posted by Mister Pickles 0 comments
Friday, July 17, 2009
The Cubs beat a team they should beat easily, the Nationals. Good for them! 3 more games against them this weekend, so hopefully I can add 3 more "Good for them!" posts.
updated at 8:53 AM Posted by Mister Pickles 0 comments
Sunday, July 12, 2009
A bit behind on the number. Great to see the Cubs winning games against the first place Cards. Let's go Cubbies in the night game!
Cubs lose. Time to stretch.
updated at 8:22 PM Posted by Mister Pickles 0 comments
Friday, July 10, 2009
We've reached the half way point of the season and the magic number is half way to 0 from 163 (just about). There is still a lot of baseball to be played, especially for the Cubs who have had some rainouts rescheduled for the second half.
Huge series this weekend for the Cubs, 4 games in 3 days against the first place Cardinals. Let's hope they can hold Pujoles back and take at least 3.
Today's game may not happen due to incoming storms. Stay tuned...
updated at 9:39 AM Posted by Mister Pickles 0 comments
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Cubs take the first game against Atlanta. This Wells pitcher is something. What a relief to have a pitcher be consistent and win 4 straight.
updated at 8:43 AM Posted by Mister Pickles 0 comments
Monday, July 6, 2009
First of all, congrats to Ted Lilly on being a 2009 Allstar. Second, cubs win the series against the Brewers. And third, things are looking up for the Cubs with A-Ram, Reed Johnson and Angel Guzman returning. I wonder what they will do with Jake Fox who has putting up some great numbers. Stay tuned...
Cubs set to face Atlanta beginning tonight for a three game set at the Friendly Confines.
updated at 9:09 AM Posted by Mister Pickles 0 comments
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Another good win by the Cubs! They're pulling through at the right times, like Fukudome's throw to the plate that kept the game tied.
Cards are on top of the central and Cubs are 2.5 back. Keep the winning streak going, guys!
updated at 8:03 AM Posted by Mister Pickles 0 comments
Friday, July 3, 2009
Cubs put up big numbers against the Brewers. 9 runs in just 4 innings was enough. Let's hope this wasn't a fluke.
Cubs have 3 more games in this set with the first place Brewers.
updated at 8:38 AM Posted by Mister Pickles 0 comments
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Cubs Win! Cubs Win! Cubs Win!
Brewers lose, Cubs win. That's the way it should be most the season. We took a series on the road (rare). 4 game set with the crew starting tomorrow.
updated at 8:45 PM Posted by Mister Pickles 0 comments
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Cubs take the first game against the Pirates.
updated at 8:49 AM Posted by Mister Pickles 0 comments
Monday, June 29, 2009
Well, the Cubs were just terrible yesterday but thankfully interleague is over. Cubs went 6-8 overall and still do have that White Sox makeup in September. The Cards and Brewers lost yesterday too, so number drops.
Cubs are off to Pittsburg. They are apparently hot right now and right behind the Cubs in the standings. Pretty amazing that only 5 games seperate first from last in the Central this far into the season.
updated at 12:54 PM Posted by Mister Pickles 0 comments
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Cubs defeat the Sox in the opening game of the three game set. They're back to .500.
Seriously, 89Cubs, why so negative? The Cubs are right there. All Hendry needs to do is get the team a bat before the trade deadline and the playoffs are very possible. I bet the Cubs do win the Central, but drop out first round as that's their new MO.
updated at 7:50 AM Posted by Mister Pickles 1 comments
Thursday, June 25, 2009
The Cubs Suck and aren't going to make the playoffs.
There I said it, and you know what? It feels good. I am relieved. Life is still continuing. I'm not throwing in the towel, but I sure feel justified in deciding not to live & breath with the team like last season.
I'm not sure if I'm just finally maturing (hey, I am only 31!) or if I just have too many things going on my life this Spring & Summer (first baby on the way this Fall, kitchen remodeling, illness in the family, flooded basement, concerned about not being laid off, etc.) or if I'm just still reeling from last October's playoff debacle....but it is sure is nice not to have invested the amount of time & emotion that I have in years past.
I have followed the team this year, but I think I've only sat through and watched an entire 9 innings once or twice this year. I haven't gone to a single game at Wrigley. When my wife and I are watching TV together and the game is on, I usually hand the remote to her (unless the game is on the line in the 9th or there is a no-no going, etc.). It feels pretty nice. I still like to listen to Pat & Ron on the radio and Len & Bob (especially Bob's dry sense of humor) have grown on me, but the Cubs schedule doesn't affect my schedule any longer.
I don't scream and yell when Gregg gives up yet another HR to blow a save. I don't vent with frustration when Soriano lollygags another routine play in LF into a double for the opposition. I don't clench my teeth every time Soto strikes out. I don't say "not again" when I hear yet another Cubs is going on the DL. I merely take it all in stride and continue on with my day.
I still care about the Cubs. I still want them to win. I still dislike the Cardinals and the Sox (and the Brewers are growing on my list of teams to hate after my trip to Milwaukee this year). I still hope they make the playoffs. But now I think I've finally found the right balance between rooting for a team and still participating in the day to day of my own life.
My first baby is due Oct. 16th. I'm not concerned about this due date falling during the playoffs and in a way that is kind of nice. This also gives me all winter to get through the non-sleeping stretches so I can not be a zombie come next Spring when baseball season begins anew. I'll still be a fan, but with a new baby in the house, will I pull back even further from the game? Only time will tell.
updated at 4:05 PM Posted by Unknown 1 comments
So, I write a positive post about the Cubs and they lose the next three games. I'm not going to say anything about them.
Cardinals lost some games apparently.
updated at 10:14 AM Posted by Mister Pickles 0 comments
Monday, June 22, 2009
Cubs complete the sweep and are currently in their longest winning streak of the season (only 4). They head to hot Atlanta for a makeup game today then off to Detroit.
Cardinals have taken first in the division after the Brewers got swept by the Tigers. Cubs are just 2 1/2 back now and seem to be warming up...
updated at 8:45 AM Posted by Mister Pickles 0 comments
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Two days, two come from way behind and walk off wins. Very exciting. Now if the Cubs could start to put some runs up earlier in the game, my blood pressure would drop a bit...
Interleague continues. 2 more against the Indians.
updated at 10:42 AM Posted by Mister Pickles 0 comments
Thursday, June 18, 2009
I thought for sure this game was over when checking the score in the top of the 8th. Looks like I was thankfully wrong. Cubs pull up back to back homers in the 8th and somehow avoided extra innings by a Reed single RBI'd in later by Soriano.
Cubs needed this win. Now let's watch the Indians limp into town after dropping 3 to the Brewers. We need these wins.
updated at 4:02 PM Posted by Mister Pickles 0 comments
Monday, June 15, 2009
Cubs squeak one out for the first time in days. I have a feeling this inter-league play is going to do some damage to the Cubs record.
They're sitting at .500. Let's hope it lifts...
updated at 1:27 PM Posted by Mister Pickles 0 comments
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Brewers drop another game. Cubs lost out on a great 8 inning effort by Zambrano (1 run, 3 hits). Guzman gets the loss.
updated at 11:08 AM Posted by Mister Pickles 0 comments
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Brewers lose, Cubs win! Double drop! Cubs are in 2nd place now. It's been a while...
updated at 8:45 AM Posted by Mister Pickles 0 comments
Monday, June 8, 2009
Cubs are heading to Houston tomorrow. Cubs have been pretty good there, so let's hope we can tack on some wins and drop this number.
Cubs are 3.5 games back on the Brewers. Pretty good given how they've played.
updated at 10:24 AM Posted by Mister Pickles 0 comments
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Cubs squeak one out in extras last night vs. the Braves. I guess our bullpen isn't guaranteed to blow it every game?
Brewers still won though.
updated at 8:52 AM Posted by Unknown 0 comments
Monday, June 1, 2009
Brewers drop a game. Number drops. Cubs off tonight and are in Atlanta tomorrow.
updated at 9:40 PM Posted by Mister Pickles 0 comments
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Cubs are looking good to win the series in a ESPN Game of the Week finally. Go Cubs!
updated at 5:00 PM Posted by Mister Pickles 0 comments
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Cubs pull one off against the Dodgers. 2 more to games against them. Fox broadcast today. Let's Go Cubbies!
updated at 9:48 AM Posted by Mister Pickles 0 comments
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Cubs win another. We are officially on a winning streak. Dodgers are in town beginning tomorrow. Let's see what being Manny-less does for them.
updated at 4:01 PM Posted by Mister Pickles 0 comments
Thankfully the game last night was called early due to rain. I was nervous the Cubs wouldn't hold on to the lead if it went to 9 innings.
Losing streak ends at 8. Cubs are at .500. It's time to string some wins together guys! Let's get BACK ON TOP!
updated at 11:00 AM Posted by Mister Pickles 0 comments
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
The number has dropped a bit but no thanks to the Cubs, who are in their worst losing streak since 2006. Let's hope it ends soon and we get this pathetic play out of our system.
updated at 10:43 AM Posted by Mister Pickles 0 comments
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Brewers drop one to the Twins. Cubs losing streak continues...
updated at 7:56 AM Posted by Mister Pickles 0 comments
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Cubs are on the verge of being swept by STL. Please win, Cubs!
Brewers lost, so number goes down.
updated at 12:21 PM Posted by Mister Pickles 0 comments
Saturday, May 16, 2009
What a good game until the 9th. Gregg was terrible. Earned 4 runs to tie the game. That doesn't sound like a closer to me. Lou, find a better solution. This is not going to work long term...
CUBS WIN, though. Lucky.
updated at 3:04 PM Posted by Mister Pickles 0 comments
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Cubs sweep! Dempster pitches a gem; Bobby Scales extends his hitting streak to 7 to start his MLB career along with 4 RBI today; Ascanio gets his first MLB AB; Cubs score 11 runs without a single HR; the Cubs get a team total 10 BBs. All in all, a great game on a beautiful day!
Cubs as of this post are now just .5 games out of 1st place. Things are starting to look pretty good.
Bring on the Astros!
updated at 4:21 PM Posted by Unknown 0 comments
Cubs are on the verge of sweeping the Padres. Also, the Cards lost! Down another 2.
There's a 3 team tie for first in the division; Cardinals, Reds and Brewers. The Cubs are 1/2 game back. Things are looking good for the battered Cubs to be right there with all the injuries they've suffered.
One more game against the Padres today and then the Astros this weekend. Cubs have been 4-1 against the 'Stros this season. Good news for us!
updated at 6:42 AM Posted by Mister Pickles 0 comments
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
A good day! Cubs beat the Padres and Pirates take down the Cards. Looks like rain may stall Tuesday's game @ Wrigley.
updated at 7:43 AM Posted by Mister Pickles 0 comments
Monday, May 11, 2009
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Cardinals drop one to the Reds. Number drops. It would have been nice to see the Cubs hold that 2-1 lead, but Heilman screwed that up. Also, no healp from the 9th. Ronnie was very upset on the radio...
We'll hopefully tonight they'll take the Brewers. It's very important.
updated at 6:34 AM Posted by Mister Pickles 0 comments
Friday, May 8, 2009
'Stros fall again to the Cubs. I hope the Cubs play them every day.
updated at 10:42 AM Posted by Mister Pickles 0 comments
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Philly's continue to beat up on the Cardinals. Number drops due to that.
updated at 8:47 AM Posted by Mister Pickles 0 comments
Monday, May 4, 2009
Cubs Win! Cards Lose! The number is moving now. Let's hope it keeps going.
updated at 9:59 PM Posted by Mister Pickles 0 comments
D Lee may be coming out of his early season slump with a big GS to beat the Marlins. 2nd day in a row someone on the Cubs got 4 RBI with one swing of the bat. Good to see the clutch hitting.
Next up, the Giants come to town.
updated at 11:55 AM Posted by Unknown 0 comments
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Great game by Lilly! Cubs win!
Theriot & Lilly are our new power hitters to lead the Cubs to a 2 game win streak for the first time in too long. This game even had biz Z pinch hitting which apparently is becoming a regular thing. All in all, a great Saturday on a beautiful day in Chicago.
On a special note: good luck to the Bulls and Blackhawks tonight. I hope game 7 for the Bulls is half as entertaining as game 6 was. For anybody who missed it, here is a great recap of game 6.
updated at 2:32 PM Posted by Unknown 0 comments
Thanks Nationals. Cardinals lose, number drops by 1.
updated at 2:32 PM Posted by Unknown 0 comments
Friday, May 1, 2009
Cubs win with a BIG 2 out GS from Theriot despite Harden's poor start and Denise Richard's hollow eyes in the tv & radio booths.
updated at 4:43 PM Posted by Unknown 0 comments
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Cubs win one against Arizona and the Cards dropped one to the Braves. Number drops twice.
Bradley was back in the lineup and got a rare hit. Lee should be back today. Hopefully both of them will start to heat up.
updated at 8:33 AM Posted by Mister Pickles 0 comments
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Finally a win after dropping four in a row. Now, the Cubs need to figure out who goes on the DL so that we can get more players in the dugout... Who's injured but not on the DL? DLee, Marmol, Ramirez, Bradley. I had to have missed some...
Cubs head to Arizona for some late start games early this week. Go Cubs!
updated at 4:13 PM Posted by Mister Pickles 0 comments
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Friday, April 17, 2009
8th inning HR by Soriano over the Cardinals breaks the losing streak at home at 2 and drops the magic # by 2 since it's against the Cardinals.
Great game. Go Cubs!
updated at 4:02 PM Posted by Unknown 0 comments
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Cardinals lost to the Diamondbacks overnight putting the Cubs back in 1st place. Cubs continue the short series with the Rockies today and then a stretch of 4 with the Cards through the weekend.
Let's do some damage!
updated at 8:16 AM Posted by Mister Pickles 0 comments
Monday, April 13, 2009
Cubs win the damp home opener.
Read today's earlier post on 89 Cubs' Milwaukee Good Friday!
updated at 5:49 PM Posted by Mister Pickles 0 comments
Two buddies and I went up to Milwaukee to catch opening day on Friday since we had off of work for Good Friday. It was a last minute decision that put us at the stadium 20 minutes before first pitch. After some luck, we managed to secure three tickets in the family section (417) in the upper deck for only $20 each. Considering what few scalped tickets that were even available were going for, we were quite lucky & happy just to get in for a reasonable price.
Now, I've been to a few Brewers games over the years, both Cubs and non-Cubs games, and I've always had a great time. I usually find the people in Milwaukee generally pleasant and fun to be around, as long as you can get over that they are generally stuck in 1985. However, my first clue that something was different this time should have been this directly outside the main entrance behind home plate:
That is the final trash can that people can dump their empty beer cans & bottles into before entering the park. See, in Milwaukee tail gating is HUGE and they have no open container law. This being opening day for the Brew Crew on top of that, led to MASSIVE drinking before the game even started. My buddies and I having arrived only just before first pitch from Chicago were 100% sober at this point.
So we went in and up to our seats for our wonderful view of a huge dome-induced shadow across the field:
We headed to the family section and once we realized we couldn't drink beers there, headed down the entrance to the section at the front of the upper deck where the was room to stand for the duration of the game.
One thing we didn't take into account standing there is that the fans were then elevated about five feet above our heads making for easy targets for heckling and throwing food at us as we were all wearing Cubs gear. Now keep in mind here, that even though it was opening day for them, the crows was about 1/3 Cubs fans. I found out very quickly that this irritates Brewers fans a lot. I suppose if every time I went to a Cubs game at Wrigley vs. the Brewers and it was a third to half full of Brewers fans, I too would be irritated.
Now, I have no problem being heckled as a visiting fan, I consider part of the game and sort of a badge of honor as well. It's when fans cross the line into swearing at you, throwing things at you (peanuts, full beer, etc.) that I find it a bit drastic and tasteless. This is why I no longer attend Cubs-White Sox games. After being called FIBs (look it up) which I found amusing, we then had a white trash couple (yes, I know white trash couples go to Wrigley as well, but they seemed to represent Miller Park in strong numbers on Friday) try to challenge us to a fight after the Cubs took the lead. After my beer got knocked out of my hand and onto an innocent bystander who was a Brewers fan I made the mistake of laughing at the guy. I mean, come on, is it really worth it to get in a fight and get arrested over the Cubs-Brewers? (And consequently have my wife cut my nuts off when I got back home.) I think not.
It was then that his lovely lady friend-- look closely at his fine lady friend...
decided it would be a good idea to throw her full beer on me (did I mention they sell 24oz beers at Miller Park?) Fortunately, cooler heads prevailed and they decided to leave the game after that without incident. Funniest part of all is that they missed the Brewers come back for victory in the 9th because they left in the 8th.
Despite all this, and the Cubs blowing it in the 9th (nice piece of fielding by Soriano there) it was a great game and we had a great time. My advice for going to Cubs-Brewers games in Milwaukee is to be prepared to be hated and constantly yelled at. And if possible, wear something that beer runs off of quickly and you don't mind getting ruined.
Finally despite what the fine gentlemen with tattoos on his elbows and wrists says to challenge you to fight on the concourse, don't take him up on it. You'll just end up in jail and then in the dog house with your wife. Fortunately, I followed this advice and was able to enjoy the evening out and about in Milwaukee after the game. I also recommend making sure the next day you'll have time for a four hour nap to adequately recover.
Good times, good times. And I haven't even been to Wrigley yet.
updated at 11:08 AM Posted by Unknown 1 comments
Two winning serieses down. If the Cubs can keep the streak up, they'll be in excellent shape.
Home opener at Wrigley today against the Rockies. I give it a 20% chance of being played due to the incoming rain. In that event, it'll likely be played tomorrow instead.
updated at 8:17 AM Posted by Mister Pickles 0 comments
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Alfonso is clutch. Cubs squeak by the Brewers.
updated at 6:30 AM Posted by Mister Pickles 0 comments
Friday, April 10, 2009
Brewers concluded their opening series against the Giants with another loss. That puts the Cubs in sole posession on 1st place and drops the Magic # down to 159.
Cubs are on today against Milwaukee. I wish I could go to the game, but I saw it was sold out (d'uh, home opener for them brewcrew) and didn't want to use the "other markets". It's Good Friday and let's hope it's a great one with a Cubs Win!
updated at 7:25 AM Posted by Mister Pickles 0 comments
Thursday, April 9, 2009
The offense was lit up last night. Is this a hint of what this offense can do? Fuku: 4 of 5, Fontenot 5 RBIs, Bradley on base 3 of 5. Soriano, another good day. Ramirez 4 of 6.
Looks like the only cold bat was Lee with 3 strike outs and 1 for 6. It looks like his slump will continue from last year... It's more of a decline now.
Our pitching was just good enough to keep us on top. Once again, our bullpen was heavily used. Looks like that may be the trend going forward.
Day off today.
updated at 8:28 AM Posted by Mister Pickles 0 comments
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Number drop because all teams in NL Central have lost 1 game. Still watching the 'stros/Cubs game in the 10th... hopefully we drop again. Otherwise tomorrow update...
updated at 10:07 PM Posted by Mister Pickles 0 comments
Monday, April 6, 2009
And we're off!
Can't comment too much on the game other than the CUBS WIN and only gave up a run. Had a family emergency that kept me at the hospital. Everyone is fine, just a need for some of that glue that shuts wounds. Fun stuff.
Anyways CUBS WIN!
updated at 8:47 PM Posted by Mister Pickles 0 comments
Sunday, April 5, 2009
162 games yet to be played. There will be countless exciting moments as well as disappointing moments. Let's hope 2009 is more of the former. It's a fresh start! Let's forget last October, which was a terrible month all around (401K anyone?) and hope for the future. I sometimes hope that the horse kicks Woo Woo off...
I predict that we will see the Magic Number hit 0 for the third time in a row. The Cubs will be in the post season once again. I'm not predicting anything beyond that...
Welcome back all those who have visited the site in the last two years. Early in the season updates may be infrequent, so don't complain too much about the number being a few off. But as things heat up, we'll be updating at every number drop. The staff here plans to be in the chat box for many games and I plan on being in there for the whole opening game and I'm sure the regulars will be there too (shortkidd, John, J.Child, PlayoffBound, i heart soto, Cubs Fan Stuck in NYC, kes601, CUBZ Fan, i heart soto, joooosh, steph, FL Cub and the others I likely missed).
If you have any suggestions or comments, please send them to us at As always, sending in Cubs related pics with a good story may land that photo on this site. We look forward to hearing from you both in the chat box and via comments and email.
One last comment, what the heck is Zambrano thinking saying that Wrigley Field needs replacement? I think he needs to worry about pitching instead of commenting on the digs.
updated at 12:10 PM Posted by Mister Pickles 0 comments
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
First Spring Training game today. I think I speak for every baseball fan when I say "about time".
45° and cloudy/rainy/melting snow in Chicago today. Not bad for the end of February, but visions of 85° sunny days at Wrigley this summer are dancing in my head.
Hang in there everybody! We're almost at the finish line....
updated at 9:26 AM Posted by Unknown 0 comments
Monday, February 16, 2009
The five most beautiful words in the English dictionary: "Pitchers and catchers have reported."
Spring is around the corner my friends, hang in there.
updated at 5:22 PM Posted by Unknown 0 comments